Blog Archives

Taking to the Streets

I been asked whether or not Tabletop Connect is going to focus solely on “old school” games or on dungeon crawls. The is answer, to both, is no. There is no specific system or genre inherent in the product. But


First Look - Sample Session

There hasn’t been an update posted here in quite a while. I was so busy working on features and bug fixes that updates kept falling into the “I’ll get to that tomorrow” category. I was going to share my trials


Cross-country Connection

Yesterday, I had my first successful intra-continental test. There were surprisingly few issues. Character sheets and notes worked as expected (aside from one bug) and the minis moved around the map with good response times. Loading maps worked well, except


Networking - First Look

With all of the primary components at some level of alpha, I’ve been working behind the scenes integrating them into a whole and getting the networking up and running again. Each part, the map tabletops and the editors, was created


Tabletop First Look

At this point I’ve watched countless hours of gameplay sessions and feature demos of the existing virtual tabletops. I’ve noticed a few commonalities within them. The first, is that they all look essentially the same. And that look is just


Map Editor Preview

I’m still deep in getting the Map Editor to alpha—which involved largely gutting much of what I had—but while testing I’ve been struck by the relative speed at which maps can be laid out. I’m not aware of another map


Character Editor at Alpha

Ben Rose on Google+ taught me a great new word skeumorphism when I discussed, in a previous post, the intended layout for the Character Editor. I hope I’ve found the right balance here. I like the tactile nature of representing parts of the


Character Sheet Editor Alpha

The character sheet editor is finally at alpha. Most of the time was split between trying to maintain the “look and feel” of a physical character sheet and struggling with Unity’s UI system. I’ll talk more about Unity in a


Dice at Alpha

While doing some UI work, I fell down the rabbit hole of rolling dice and, as part of the push to alpha, stayed with it until it was complete. New Features: The user can now add an arbitrary number of


How Do You Like Your Table?

Not all of a game takes place on the map with miniatures. One would hope that much of a gaming session occurs outside the dungeon. There are the practical matters like rolling up characters, picking out minis, and waiting for
