Blog Archives

The Die is Cast

The one feature that I knew I wanted for dice was rolling the dice directly on the map and watching them clatter about and bounce of the walls, floors, and miniatures. I wanted to avoid using the Unity physics primarily


What you see is…

Probably the most head-scratching, frustrating feature I’ve tackled so far has been calculating line-of-sight. It’s something that can’t work 90% of the time, or fail on some edge cases. It has to work 100%. And that’s the part that kept


New Miniatures

As some of you know, I’ve had trouble finding the aesthetic that I want—particularly for the miniatures. I tried a number of approaches, but I never achieved the dynamic poses and “chunky” look of old school miniatures. A few weeks


Where I Split Walls

I’ve been doing quite a bit of work over the last month, but I’ve neglected to post any updates on my progress. In honor of today being Tabletop Day, I’ll get back to writing updates. Rather than overwhelm you with



I’ve wrapped up work on some other projects (The Borderlands and Apollo Zero) and I’m back at the keyboard. When we last left off, I’d just finished putting together a small level based on the Hirst Arts gothic dungeon. It


Test Dungeon

I’ve finally had a break on some of the projects I’m involved in which has allowed me put together a test dungeon. Having never built any practical tabletop terrain for miniatures, I decided to recreate the sample gothic dungeon from


Feature Creep

We’re all familiar with feature creep, the adding of features to software until you’ve either bloated the program or significantly deviated from the original intent. Even this early in the process, I suddenly found myself recognizing this happening. While working on


Now With Pathfinding

Pathfinding is finally working on the map. After spending some time with a recursive function that just didn’t want to return, I have a functioning shortest-path algorithm implemented. Surprising, I had the most difficulty with moving the miniature off the


What Makes You Special?

There are a number of virtual tabletops for gaming available: Roll20, Tabletop Forge, and RPGTable Online. I was recently asked, what will make your product different from what’s already available? It’s a fair question to ask and a good question


Movement With Cost

I picked up some VFX work, so I’ve been away from the project for a few days. Now I’m back and working on movement again. I’ve made quite a few changes behind the scenes and added some features up front.
