Not all of a game takes place on the map with miniatures. One would hope that much of a gaming session occurs outside the dungeon. There are the practical matters like rolling up characters, picking out minis, and waiting for…
When I was at Electronic Arts there was a legend about a function in FIFA called DoBestKick. It was the ur-function for determining what kick an AI player would do. The story tells that no one really understood the inner workings…
As much as I liked the idea of drawing walls by following the mouse—allowing the user to turn corners while adding walls—it was too much like drawing a straight line with a mouse in MS Paint. I’ve opted instead to…
You may have asked yourself, “can a map editor be written in a day?” It’s a question I asked myself. The answer is, in this case, not entirely; but let’s see how far we’ve come. I spent some time yesterday…
I’ve been doing quite a bit of work over the last month, but I’ve neglected to post any updates on my progress. In honor of today being Tabletop Day, I’ll get back to writing updates. Rather than overwhelm you with…
I’ve wrapped up work on some other projects (The Borderlands and Apollo Zero) and I’m back at the keyboard. When we last left off, I’d just finished putting together a small level based on the Hirst Arts gothic dungeon. It…
I spent the morning re-factoring much of the movement code into a separate class, all the while giving some more thought on the final method for moving the miniature. I’ve been considering setting waypoints: picking up the miniature, moving it…