Monthly Archives: December 2012

Feature Creep

We’re all familiar with feature creep, the adding of features to software until you’ve either bloated the program or significantly deviated from the original intent. Even this early in the process, I suddenly found myself recognizing this happening. While working on


Now With Pathfinding

Pathfinding is finally working on the map. After spending some time with a recursive function that just didn’t want to return, I have a functioning shortest-path algorithm implemented. Surprising, I had the most difficulty with moving the miniature off the


What Makes You Special?

There are a number of virtual tabletops for gaming available: Roll20, Tabletop Forge, and RPGTable Online. I was recently asked, what will make your product different from what’s already available? It’s a fair question to ask and a good question


Movement With Cost

I picked up some VFX work, so I’ve been away from the project for a few days. Now I’m back and working on movement again. I’ve made quite a few changes behind the scenes and added some features up front.


Nerd Poker: A Diversion

While setting up podcasts on my new phone, Microsoft helpfully suggested Nerd Poker, Brian Posehn’s weekly podcast of he and his friends playing D&D. It did make me a little suspicious of how much data MS is actually sifting through.


More on Moving

I spent the morning re-factoring much of the movement code into a separate class, all the while giving some more thought on the final method for moving the miniature. I’ve been considering setting waypoints: picking up the miniature, moving it


Lift and Carry

It was suggested that I try picking up the miniature to move it (Thanks, Jim). I liked the idea of a more natural feel. I’m trying to keep this as tactile as possible. I’ve made some modifications to the movement code and


Moving Things Around

Today I dug into a few Unity features: instantiating objects in script, moving and rotating objects, and ray casting for mouse interface and object collision. The first test, moving the miniature around the map. I’m still wrestling somewhat with how


The One-Sheet

One of the must have features listed in the announcement is an “integrated game system, inspired by old school games that anyone who’s gamed before would quickly understand and simple enough that even new players could join.” The inital work has


Powered by Unity

I’ve made the choice to use Unity as my engine. It’s a Fool’s errand in game development to write your own engine unless the thing you need to do is so unusual and so specific that existing tech won’t match
